Supportworks Orkney CIC
Helping us Helping you
Supportworks Orkney Community Interest Company
Our Vision
We incorporated in spring 2023, matching a local need for small jobs and household tasks, with a desire to do meaningful work from supported members of our community. Our work teams are made up of two people: one who needs support to work (the lead worker), and the other who can offer them that support (assistant worker). Both team members are PVG and back-ground checked, and are matched to their work placements according to aptitude and their own interest. Customers are invited to offer feedback, and have a choice of which team they select depending on the work required.
Community Interest Company (CIC) status means that profits made from Supportworks Orkney is fed back into supporting the community it serves. Supportworks Orkney will achieve this by growing the reach of the Supportworks Orkney business, offering more support to customers and workers throughout Orkney. We aim to raise money to pay for working materials, a lawn mower and pay for vehicle costs, during our first 2 years. As a CIC we can accept donations, investment and loans to help us on our path to success. We are not tax exempt in the same way as a charity however, although we are applying to HMRC to have exempt status as a 'not for profit' organisation.